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Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 reading list

- The book thief - Zuzak
- Choke - Palanhuik
- Shadow of the wind - Zafon
- Dead as a doornail - Harris
- Definately dead - Harris
- All together dead - Harris
- Kissing Kate - Myracle
- Glass - Hopkins
- Dead to worse - Harris
- Punk like me - Glass
- Punk and zen - Glass
- Twelve - McDonnell
- Rush of wings - Phoenix
- Animal farm - Orwell
- Red light - Glass
- American goth - Glass
- Sickened - Gregory
- We need to talk about Kevin - Shriver
- Dead and gone - Harris
- The man who mistook his wife for a hat - Sacks
- I play drums in a band called OKAY - Litt
- Tipping the velvet - Waters
- Today I'm Alice - Jamieson
- Bait - Sanchez
- I am not a serial killer - Wells
- Burned - Hopkins
- Disgrace - Coetzee
- Affinity - Waters
- Living Dead Girl - Scott
- Possible side effects - Burroughs
- Nineteen minutes - Picoult
- Keeping you a secret - Peters
- Candy - Davies
- The Pact - Picoult
- F2M - Edwards + Kennedy
- The Messenger - Zuzak
- Fight Club - Palahnuik
- Written on the Body - Wintersun
- Naked - Sedaris
- The tenth circle - Picoult
and to bring in the New year...
- High Fidelity - Hornby

As someone who worked in a bookstore and mocked the women who read Picoult, I have recently had to eat my words. I first picked up Nineteen Minutes at a Target store as it was ten dollars. I was intrigued about the topic - a school shooting - and decided to swallow my pride and buy it. I was entranced. Loved it. The same situation occured when I found The Pact. Then, when I got The Tenth Circle for christmas, I was a little wary, thinking surely I have used up my Picoult-luck, but no, this book was also very enjoyable. I think, though, that this is the end of my Picoult-streak. I believe alot of my enjoyment of these books has had to do with the topics. School shooting, suicide pact, rape and murder. I doubt I would have the same enthusiasm over some of her other books.

The man who mistook his wife for a hat by Oliver Sacks. Amazing. As a psychology degree dropout, I admit, the brain and the mind fascinate me no end. People are amazing creatures. Do not confuse this as admiration, I thoroughly dislike most humans, HOWEVER, I do love watching them. I would love nothing more than to run experiments like they did before ethics committees existed. This book blew my mind. I cannot even describe how much so. If studying psychology were anywhere near as interesting as this book, I would already have my Doctorate.

As a strong recommendation by many friends, I located a copy of High Fidelity. I am yet to finish, I keep falling asleep lately. I am enjoying it thoroughly. It hits a little too close to home though. There are too many sentiments in there that are too similar to me. I don't like it, it makes me think about how pathetic I am. Even more so than Rob, the narrator, as he at least has a record store and semi-regular sex.

This year, 2011, I plan to start afresh. I will read plenty, rather than sitting here on the computer. I will nourish my mind, rather than watching the pretty lights on the screen kills my brain cells.

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